#HandPlus combined forces with other #NTUsg start-ups and leveraged its capability in building pick and place robots in order to build XDBot, a disinfection robot. This is our small contribution in this fight against the #COVID19 virus. Reach out to us if you are interested to have the robot deployed at your site!

#NTUsg released a video of the robot here:
Our co-founder, Reeve Chong, demo-ing XDBot at NTU (photo by NTU)

This infographics shared by The Straits Times summarizes the capability of the XDBot:

The Robot Report has also published an article about this: https://www.therobotreport.com/xdbot-developed-ntu-singapore-disinfect-large-areas-covid-19/
The article is also available at TechXplore.com